GIRFT Projects Directorate

The GIRFT (Getting It Right First Time) Projects Directorate (GIRFT PD) was established by the Royal National Orthopaedic Hospital NHS Trust (RNOH) when the GIRFT Programme moved over from the RHOH to NHS England and NHS Improvement (NHSEI) on 1 July 2021.  GIRFT PD is chaired by Professor Tim Briggs, who also chairs the GIRFT Programme in NHSE.

GIRFT PD consists of four parts:

GIRFT Projects @ RNOH Team

girft-1.pngWe are a paid projects organisation which offers clinically led, data-driven consultancy services to both public and privately funded healthcare systems and individual providers who want to improve their productivity, efficiency and outcomes.

We use the GIRFT methodology to examine data and review health services, identifying changes that will improve patient care and reduce unwarranted variation in outcomes. We deliver our services through a core team of skilled healthcare professionals, including many practicing consultant clinicians who have worked extensively on the national NHS England GIRFT programme and who have unique expertise in their specialty. 

We deliver projects predominantly in the UK and principally the devolved nations of Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales.  However, through our commercial partnerships and different delivery models we can work at varied scale and have global reach. 

To find out more about our projects please email the team at

Veterans Covenant Healthcare Alliance (VCHA)

cropped-New-Veteran-Aware-Logo-652px.jpgThe VCHA is a clinically led, strategic and continuous quality improvement programme focussed on improving the lives of veterans, reservists and their families. It is responsible for accrediting all NHS Trusts in England as Veteran Aware, meaning they have met a set of standards which show they understand and meet the needs of the Armed Forces community in their catchment area.

The programme has now been expanded to include hospices, the independent sector, and in partnership with the Royal Star and Garter/The Royal British Legion, care homes. The programme is funded by the Armed Forces Directorate in NHS England and aligned to the principles of GIRFT NHS England. For further information and enquiries please go to the VCHA website, Veteran Aware, or email the team at

Federation of Specialist Hospitals (FSH)

01.-FSH_Positive-Logo_Red_RGB-1024x495.jpgFSH is a coalition of some of the country’s best known and regarded hospitals, which provide specialist services to patients drawn from all parts of the UK. Established in 2009 as a membership organisation, the FSH ensures the voice of specialist providers is heard as the NHS rises to the multiple challenges and opportunities of modern medicine. For further information and enquiries please go to the FSH website

National Orthopaedic Alliance

NOA-logo.pngThe NOA is a membership organisation which brings together orthopaedic providers across the country. It is a multidisciplinary alliance and promotes collaboration across all orthopaedic services by providing opportunities for members to share experiences and address shared challenges with the aim of delivering consistent, high-quality care for patients nationwide. It provides a voice for member organisations who feel that alone they can’t influence change.  For further information and enquiries please go to the NOA Website