Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon

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Limb Reconstruction

Mr Goodier has pioneered Limb Reconstruction treatment using the Ilizarov and other external fixators, as well as deformity correction, management of osteomyelitis.

Mr Goodier qualified from The Royal London Hospital in 1985 and worked there and at St Bartholomew's Hospital as lead consultant for trauma orthopaedics for 15 years, and as Head of Department for 3 of those years.

The Royal London is the home of the Helicopter Emergency Medical Service, giving him an unparalleled experience of the management of the most severely injured patients. It was this experience that led to an interest in the management of 'problem fractures' including complex fracture patterns, non-unions, multiple injuries and infected fractures.


  • Member of the British Orthopaedic Association
  • Member British Trauma Society
  • Member and member of executive council of the British Limb Reconstruction Society


  • Vice Chairman Bart’s and the London Hospitals Trust Trauma Committee
  • Member Bart’s and the London Hospitals Trust Standing Medical Advisory Council
  • Past Lead Consultant for Trauma Orthopaedics The Royal London Hospital
  • Past Chairman Surgery & Anaesthetic Directorate Clinical Governance Committee

  • British Orthopaedic Association
  • British Trauma Society
  • British Limb Reconstruction Society

  • Goodier D., Maffulli N. and Good C.J. "Coracoid Fracture Following Shoulder Dislocation - A Case Report." Injury 25(2) 114-116 (1994)
  • Goodier D., Flores M. and Shedden R. "Patellar Tendon Rupture in Identical Twins" Journal of Trauma 38(4) 665-7 (1995)
  • Goodier D., Maffulli N. and Good C.J. "Tibial Tuberosity Avulsion with Patellar Tendon Avulsion - A Case Report." Acta Orthopaedica Belgica 60(3) 336-8 (1994)
  • Tanner K.E., Yettram A.L., Loeffler M., Goodier D., Freeman M.A., Bonfield W. "Is stem length important in uncemented endoprostheses?" Medical Engineering & Physics.  17(4):291-6, 1995 Jun.
  • Stocks G.W., Freeman M.A., Scott G., Goodier D., Evans S.J. "Hydroxyapatite coating of an acetabular prosthesis: Effect on migration"  J Bone Joint Surg 78B(2):200-205 (1996)
  • Flores M, Goodier D, Shedden RG. “Lymphoma presenting as a disk prolapse.” Orthopedics. 1999 Nov;22(11):1091-2.
  • Chockalingam S, Dega R, Goodier D. “Skin burn associated with paint on synthetic plaster cast.” Injury. 1999 May;30(4):301-2.
  • Davidson AW, Mullins M, Goodier D, Barry M. “Ilizarov wire tensioning and holding methods: a biomechanical study.” Injury. 2003 Feb;34(2):151-4.
  • Mullins MM, Davidson AW, Goodier D, Barry M. “The biomechanics of wire fixation in the Ilizarov system.” Injury. 2003 Feb;34(2):155-7.
  • Calder PR, Hynes MC, Goodier D. Reducing missing fracture clinic radiographs by entrusting them to patients. Ann R Coll Surg Engl. 2004 Sep;86(5):342-3.
  • Nadarajah R, Mahaluxmivala J, Amin A, Goodier D. Clavicular hook-plate: complications of retaining the implant. Injury. 2005 May;36(5):681-3.
  • Mohammed AB, Mann HA, Nawabi DH, Goodier D, Ang SC. Impact of London's terrorist attacks on a major trauma center in London. Prehosp Disaster Med. 2006 Sep-Oct;21(5):340-4.
  • Timms A, Sorkin T, Pugh H, Barry M, Goodier D. "No one has ever asked for it back!" A survey assessing the fate of reusable external fixation equipment in mortuaries.  Injury. 2010 Feb;41(2):141-3
  • Book Chapter: “Fractures of the Pelvis” in “Trauma Care” Ed: R. Earlam 1997
  • Book reviews regularly in “The Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery” and “Injury”

  • Member of the examination board for the FRCS (Tr&Orth) final fellowship examination and regularly examines for this.
  • Advanced Trauma Life Support instructor, and teaches regularly on ATLS courses.
  • Co-host of the Stanmore external fixation course
  • Teaches regularly on Ilizarov basic and advanced courses.
  • Convened the first UK deformity correction course, and hosted the 2009 British Limb Reconstruction Society annual meeting.
  • Teaches on the Annual BLRS deformity correction course
  • Regularly lectures at National and International trauma courses as well as ‘in-house’ teaching to medical staff and Professions Allied to Medicine.