Consultant Paediatric Orthopaedic and Limb reconstruction surgeon


Telephone: 020 8909 5147

Paediatric Orthopaedics, Limb reconstruction (Adults and Paediatric)

Paediatric orthopaedics (excluding spine). Congenital and acquired limb deformities in children and adults.

Jonathan Wright is a Paediatric Orthopaedic and Limb reconstruction surgeon. His practice includes non-spinal paediatric orthopaedic conditions including limb deformity, neuromuscular conditions, hip pathology and disorders of the foot.  He also sees adults with congenital and acquired limb deformities requiring limb lengthening or reconstruction techniques. Mr Wright is part of the RNOH limb reconstruction unit working alongside Mr Calder and Mr Goodier.

He graduated from his medical degree at University College London, with honours in 2006. Whilst as a Specialist Registrar he completed his higher orthopaedic training on the Percivall Pott rotation. On obtaining his FRCS he was awarded the Arthur Edward Burton memorial prize for the best performance in the written examination. During his training, Mr Wright gained experience in paediatric orthopaedics and limb reconstruction at several centres including Great Ormond Street Hospital, the Royal London Hospital and the Royal National Orthopaedic Hospital.

Mr Wright completed two international fellowships, firstly at the Ilizarov Scientific Centre for Restorative Traumatology and Orthopaedics, Kurgan, Russia, where he worked on the use of circular fixators for deformity correction and limb lengthening. Subsequently he undertook a 12-month fellowship in Paediatric Orthopaedics at the Starship Children’s hospital in Auckland, New Zealand.

His research interests including paediatric congenital and acquired deformity along with outcomes and registry data in limb reconstruction. He has published multiple scientific papers and book chapters in orthopaedic textbooks (listed below).

British Society for Children’s Orthopaedic Surgery (BSCOS)

British Limb reconstruction society (BLRS)

British Orthopaedic Association

Fellow of the Royal College of Surgeons (England)

Book Chapters:

Developmental Dysplasia of the Hip.  J Wright and Kyle James. Paediatric Orthopaedics in Clinical Practice, Edition: 1st Edition, Chapter: 6, Publisher: Springer, Editors: Nick A. Aresti, Manoj Ramachandran, Mark (J.M.H) Paterson, Matthew Barry, pp.69-90

Clinical Surveillance, Selective or Universal Ultrasound Screening in Developmental Dysplasia of the Hip.  J Wright and DM Eastwood.

Paediatric Orthopaedics: An Evidenced-Based Approach to Clinical Questions.

Publisher: Springer. Editors: Sattar Alshryda, James Huntley, Paul A. Banaszkiewicz.

Journal Articles:

Elsheikh AA, Wright J, Stoddart MT, Goodier D, Calder P. Use of the Pixel Value Ratio Following Intramedullary Limb Lengthening: Uncomplicated Full Weight-bearing at Lower Threshold Values. Strategies Trauma Limb Reconstr. 2022 Jan-Apr;17(1):14-18. 

Calder PR, Wright J, Goodier WD. An update on the intramedullary implant in limb lengthening: A quinquennial review Part 1: The further influence of the intramedullary nail in limb lengthening. Injury. 2022 Nov;53 Suppl 3:S81-S87. 

Calder PR, Wright J, Goodier WD. An Update on the Intramedullary Implant in Limb Lengthening: A Quinquennial Review Part 2: Extending Surgical Indications and Further Innovation. Injury. 2022 Nov;53 Suppl 3:S88-S94.

Wright J, Timms A, Fugazzotto S, Goodier D, Calder P. Development of a patient-reported outcome measure in limb reconstruction : a pilot study assessing face validity. Bone Jt Open. 2021 Sep;2(9):705-709.

Christine Douglas, Jonathan Wright, Benjamin Jacobs, Variations in gait development: what is normal and when should I be concerned?, Paediatrics and Child Health, Volume 32, Issue 2,

2022, Pages 71-76,
Iliadis AD, Wright J, Stoddart MT, Goodier WD, Calder P. Early results from a single centre's experience with the STRYDE nail : a cause for concern? Bone Joint J. 2021 Jun;103-B(6):1168-1172. 

Iliadis AD, Palloni V, Wright J, Goodier D, Calder P. Pediatric Lower Limb Lengthening Using the PRECICE Nail: Our Experience With 50 Cases. J Pediatr Orthop. 2021 Jan;41(1):e44-e49. 

Hothi H, Bergiers S, Henckel J, Iliadis AD, Goodier WD, Wright J, Skinner J, Calder P, Hart AJ. Analysis of retrieved STRYDE nails. Bone Jt Open. 2021 Aug;2(8):599-610.

Iliadis AD, Timms A, Fugazzotto S, Edel P, Britten S, Wright J, Goodier D, Calder P. Thromboprophylaxis in Intramedullary Limb Lengthening Surgery. Strategies Trauma Limb Reconstr. 2020 Sep-Dec;15(3):151-156. 

Iliadis AD, Bebja R, Wang K, Moazen M, Wright J, Calder P, Goodier D. Reducing the Risk of Ring Breakage in Taylor Spatial Frames: The Effect of Frame Configuration on Strain at the Half-ring Junction. Strategies Trauma Limb Reconstr. 2020 Sep-Dec;15(3):146-150. 

Wright J, Bates P, Heidari N, Vris A. All Internal Bone Transport: Use of a Lengthening Nail and Double Plating for Management of Femoral Bone Loss. Strategies Trauma Limb Reconstr. 2019 May-Aug;14(2):94-101.


An experimental evaluation of fracture movement in two alternative tibial fracture fixation models using a vibrating platform. Moazen M, Calder P, Koroma P, Wright J, Taylor S, Blunn G.  Proc Inst Mech Eng H. 2019 May;233(5):595-599. doi: 10.1177/0954411919837304. Epub 2019 Mar 20.

Severe Infantile Blounts: Hemiplateau elevation and metaphyseal correction with use of the Taylor Spatial Frame. J Wright, P Calder. J Limb Lengthen Reconstr 2018;4:76-82

Slipped Capital Femoral Epiphysis: The European Perspective. J Wright, M Ramachandran

 J Pediatr Orthop 2018;38:S1–S4

Posteromedial bowing of the tibia: a benign condition or a case for limb reconstruction?

J Wright, R. A. Hill, D. M. Eastwood, A. Hashemi-Nejad, P. Calder, S. Tennant. J Child Orthop 2018;12.

The silhouette technique: improving post-operative radiographs for planning of correction with a hexapod external fixator. J Wright, S Sabah, S Patel, G Spence. Strategies Trauma Limb Reconstr. 2017 Aug;12(2):127-131

The orthopaedic management of lower limb deformity in hypophosphataemic rickets.  A Horn, J Wright, D Bockenhauer, W Van’t Hoff, DM Eastwood. J Child Orthop 2017;11:298-305

Response to letter to the Editor.  J Wright, L Di Mascio. Journal of Clinical orthopaedics and Trauma. DOI:

Developments in the orthopaedic management of children with Stüve-Wiedemann syndrome: Use of the Fassier-Duval telescopic rod to maintain correction of deformity. J Wright, S Kazzaz, RA Hill. J Pediatr Orthop. 2015 Dec 8.

Modification of the Scarf Osteotomy for Treatment of Hallux Valgus. J Wright, M Choudhury, C Charalambides Techniques in Foot & Ankle Surgery 14(4):1 · August 2015

Are standard antero-posterior and 20° caudal radiographs a true assessment of mid-shaft clavicular fracture displacement? J Wright, N Aresti, C Heuveling, L Di Mascio. J Clin Orthop Trauma. 2016 Oct-Dec;7(4):221-224.

Postoperative analgesia for Enhanced recovery in Joint replacement: Audit of a new electronic prescribing order set. J Wright, B Cullinger, I Bacarese-Hamilton. BMJ Qual Improv Rep. 2015 Nov 11;4(1)

Stabilisation for the disrupted acromioclavicular joint using a braided polyester prosthetic ligament. J Wright,  Osarumwense D, Ismail F, Umebuani Y, Orakwe S. J Orthop Surg (Hong Kong). 2015 Aug;23(2):223-8.

Accuracy of the Surgeon’s Eye: Use of the tip apex distance in clinical practice. J Wright, S Kahane, A Moeed, A Macdowell. Injury. 2015 Jul;46(7):1346-8.

Reverse ponseti type method for congenital vertical talus: comparison between idiopathic and teratological patients.  J Wright, D Coggings, C Maizen, M Ramachandran. Bone Joint J. 2014 Feb;96-B(2):274-8

Hip resurfacing arthroplasty at a non-specialist centre. Patel NK, Wright J, Sabharwal S, Afsharpad A, Bajekal R. Ann R Coll Surg Engl. 2014 Jan;96(1):67-72

Spondylolysis and Spondylolisthesis. J Wright, V Balaji, AS Montgomery. Orthopaedics and Trauma 27 (2013) pp. 195-200

Surveillance after treatment in developmental dysplasia of the hip- Current UK practice and the proposed Stanmore evidence based protocol. J Wright, F Tudor, T Luff A Hashemi-Nejad JPO-B Nov 2013;22(6):509-15

The current state of paediatric orthopaedic venous thromboprophylaxis. J Wright, S Randhawa, C Gooding, S Lowery, D Eastwood, A Hashemi-Nejad, P Calder.  RCSEng Bulletin Volume 95, Number 1, January 2013 , pp. 1-4(4)

Conservative treatment of acute Achilles tendon rupture- Current practice within the UK. D Osarumwense, J Wright, L James. J Ortho Surg (Hong Kong). 2013 Apr;21:44-6.

Book review: Oxford textbook of Trauma & Orthopaedics. J Wright, CR Gooding. Injury Journal 2012; 10.1016/j.injury.2012.03.005.

A case report of acute compartment syndrome with an atypical presentation: A useful clinical lesson. J Wright, D Griffiths, H Nwaboku.  J R Soc Med Sh Rep 2011;2:30 PMID: 21541078

Investigation of peripheral vascular disease. J Wright, A Sweeney. Foundation Years Journal. 4(1)p5-8. 1 Feb 2011

Early Hip resurfacing arthroplasty results performed at University Hospital Lewisham. I Findlay, J Wright, C Tamura, A Daneshfar. The Online Journal of Clinical Audits. 2010; Vol 2(4).

Simultaneous bicompartmental bucket handle meniscal tears with an intact Anterior Cruciate Ligament. J Wright, C Tamura, I Findlay A Daneshfar. Journal of Orthopaedic Surgery and Research 2010, 5:68. PMID: 20843338

Be Careful what you wish for- A case of ingested foreign body masquerading as cancer. J Wright, P Roy, J Linsell. BMJ Case Reports 2010; doi:10.1136/bcr.05.2010.3024

A Stitch in time… are we providing Malignant Melanoma patients with best practice? J Wright, M Patel, M Daruwalla Online Journal of Clinical Audits 2010; Vol 2(1);p16-20