Therapies Team: 0208 909 548
Before you are discharged home, a member of the therapy team will show you how to safely wash and dress while in a brace. It may be easier to have assistance from another person. You will not be able to remove the brace for showering. Please keep the operated arm still throughout this process.

Sit on the bed and place a pillow(s) under your arm/ brace to support.
Do not take your arm out of the brace at any point when washing and dressing.

Undo the shoulder strap using your non-operated hand.

Undo the
forearm straps and waist strap using your non- operated hand.

Thread the sleeve onto your operated arm and take the garment as far up to the shoulder as possible. Keep the operated shoulder as still as possible.

You will then be able to put your non-operated arm into the other sleeve, bringing the item of clothing up and around your shoulder to do the clothing up.

With your non-operated hand do up the forearm straps. Reach behind you to bring the waist strap forward and clip into the buckle.

Place your non-operated arm through the shoulder strap so it sits comfortably on your shoulder

Clip the shoulder strap into the buckle at the front of the brace.
For undressing complete this procedure in reverse.
Page last updated: 12 December 2024