Coxen Adolescent Unit is in the Stanmore Building. It has 16 single ensuite rooms and four bays, each with four beds. There is a rehabilitation gym and social space too. There is also a garden with a basketball court for exclusive use by Coxen patients.

Patients are admitted to the Unit because of their age rather than condition. The nursing staff are proficient in caring for patients with varying orthopaedic conditions and patients with special needs and rare syndromes.

The majority of the nursing staff on the unit are registered children's nurses, and all our staff are experienced in caring for children, teenagers and their families.

The unit practices family centred care which allows us to include the complete family in the patient's care and how their admission may impact on other family members. Siblings are welcome on the unit but must be accompanied by a parent, nursing staff are not able to care for siblings.

You are allocated a nurse to care for you on a daily basis; they will introduce themselves to you and go through the plan of your day with you.

Starting on 28 June 2024, RNOH will have flexible visiting times for inpatients. There will be no set visiting hours, so up to two visitors can come whenever it is convenient for the patient.

Visitor guidelines

We’d kindly ask that you:

  • Avoid visiting during meal times, sleep/rest times, treatments, or personal care times.
  • Keep noise levels low and respect the privacy of other patients.
  • Step outside of the bay during your visit, if asked to by staff, to protect the confidentiality and dignity of other patients.

The nurse in charge will make the final decision on visiting times to ensure patient needs and overall wellbeing are balanced.

Due to space limitations, we ask that only one person accompanies a patient in the following areas:

  • Day Surgery Unit (adult)
  • Outpatients Department (adult)

If more than one person is needed, please let us know and we will do our best to accommodate your needs.

For patients receiving end-of-life care, we will accommodate visitors at any time to meet their needs and preferences.

One parent is allowed to stay with their child on the ward at all times. Parents can swap over and there are no restrictions in relation to this.

Siblings are allowed onto the ward, but they must stay with their parents at all times.

There is nobody to look after the siblings, so if one parent in on the ward with their child, then they will not be able to accompany their child to Theatre/ Recovery as they will have to stay with the sibling.

For any parents or carers wishing to access the accommodation (whether to stay or make use of the fridges, cooking facilities and showers) please contact Samantha Cooley on 020 8909 5872 or

Should you be admitted for an operation one parent can accompany you to theatre with a nurse and one parent can accompany the nurse to pick you up. We are unable to accommodate two parents in the anaesthetic and recovery rooms due to space restrictions and patient privacy and safety. Parents can stay with their child until they are asleep.

  • Breakfast from 08.00
  • Lunch from 12.00
  • Evening meal from 17.30

A menu will be available for you to choose from and snack boxes and toast are available outside of these hours. A trolley selling snacks and papers visits daily.

Shower rooms & Toilet Facilities

Each single room has its own ensuite bathroom and toilet.

All patients have access to the Internet via WiFi service for patients throughout the unit. You are welcome to bring your own laptops and tablets, but the hospital does not take responsibility for loss or damage.

Mobile phones are allowed on the unit as we realise how important social networking is to this age group, but we request you keep them on silent please.

The Play Team regularly undertake play sessions with groups of patients and work individually with the less mobile. They spend time with you going through what to expect should you be going to theatre and they have many distraction toys and games. They will also include siblings in their play sessions.


Schooling in hospital is a legal requirement. We have a school on the ward. Teachers will meet with you on arrival and go through what school work you need to undertake. Many patients bring in work from their own schools and our teachers offer support with this. We have laptops available to assist with this.

Nurse Handover

This takes place at 07.30 and 19.30 for half an hour. The nurse in charge undertakes this off of the unit.

Ward Rounds

The Paediatricians undertake a round at 10 am on a daily basis. They will be reviewing your general health and medication. Your surgeon will visit you at some stage throughout your stay as will their medical team. A nurse will be in attendance during these visits.

Smoking is strictly prohibited in all areas.