The RNOH is recognised as a national centre of excellence for the treatment of acute and chronic neuro-musculoskeletal conditions in children and young adolescents. Many of the patients using these services have profound physical, mental and syndromatic disability. (The Trust also plays a key role in the care of peripheral nerve injury, young bone tumour, scoliosis, spinal injury and brachial plexus patients.)
Range Of Services
- All aspects of Paediatric orthopaedic care
- Cerebral Palsy - including a multidisciplinary team approach
- Limb Lengthening service including Ilizarov work
- Management of the Young Adult Hip
- Pain Management Programmes including assessments by Paediatricians/Psychiatrists
- Ponseti method for correction of Congenital Talipes Equino Varus (CTEV) or Club Foot Deformity
- Positional foot deformities eg: Metatarsus Adductus
- Antenatal counselling following diagnosis of congenital limb deformities – particularly club foot but also others.
- Dr Benjamin Jacobs
- Dr Wolfgang Muller
- Dr Caroline Oren
- Dr Cristina Ilea
- Dr Mahmud Mustafa
- Dr Sherine Dewlett
- Dr Alexander Chesover
- Dr Jane Hoddes
Paediatric surgeons:
- Mr Peter Calder
- Miss Deborah Eastwood
- Mr David Goodier
- Mr Tahir Khan
- Mr Avi Marks
- Mr Aresh Hashemi-Nejad
- Miss Sally Tennant
- Miss Elizabeth K Tissingh
- Mr Jonathan Wright
- Mr Neil Segaren
Specialist Physiotherapist:
- Christine Douglas, Consultant Paediatric Physiotherapist
Child and Adolescent Psychologist:
Child Psychiatrist
- Dr Rebecca McLaren
Paediatric Anaesthetist:
- Dr Mel Speakman (Clinical Director, Children's Services, Outpatients and Access)
Paediatric Clinical Nurse Specialists:
- Penina Edel
- Heather Gledstone
- Sharon Fugazzotto (Limb Reconstruction)
- Amy Culham (Rheumatology)
Referrals from other hospitals for paediatric surgery or limb reconstruction services should be submitted through Pathpoint ‘PATHPOINT’, an electronic referral and pathway management system.
To submit a referral to the RNOH Paediatric & Limb reconstruction team, please access the 'PATHPOINT' link (within your Secure hospital network) and follow the steps below:
1. Register with your personal NHS email address for a PATHPOINT account to manage your referral/s
2. Login to your account with your credentials by clicking the 'PATHPOINT' link
3. Input your referring organisation, and patient PID details
4. Click the drop down list of referral pathway forms and select "Tertiary Paediatric & limb reconstruction referral" and click "Go to referral form" to launch the form
5. Fill in all fields of the Tertiary Paediatric & limb reconstruction referral form and click "Save Tertiary Paediatric & limb reconstruction referral"
NB: You will receive notification emails to your NHS email account from PATHPOINT from the RNOH Paediatric & limb reconstruction team with updates about the status of your referral or if further information is required.
Paediatric medicine referrals can be sent to rnoh.
1st Floor
Muriel Sands House
Royal National Orthopaedic Hospital
Brockley Hill
Stanmore HA7 4LP
Referrals from GPs to the unit are now only accepted electronically via the NHS Digital Electronic Referrals Service (ERS).
Please do not be concerned about the eRS appointment date associated with Choose & Book - Upon department receipt, the referral will be triaged and urgent referrals will be prioritised for earlier review. We will aim to see babies referred for assessment of neonatal hip dysplasia or clubfoot deformity within 2 weeks.
To give your feedback, or for any further questions, please email the relevant contact below:
PATHPOINT Technical Support: support
The main number for the Unit is: 020 3947 0046
- Mr Peter Calder – secretary email: rnoh.
caldersecretary - Mr David Goodier - secretary email: rnoh.
goodiersecretary - Mr Avi Marks - secretary email: rnoh.
markssecretary - Dr Mahmud Mustafa – secretary email: stephaniebatten
Telephone: 020 3947 0475 - Mr Jonathan Wright - secretary email: rnoh.
Telephone: 020 8909 5147 - Miss Elizabeth K Tissingh - secretary email: rnoh.
tissinghsecretary - Mr Tahir Khan - secretary email: rnoh.
Telephone: 020 8909 5802 - Professor Deborah Eastwood - secretary email: rnoh.
eastwoodsecretary - Dr Cristina Ilea - secretary email; zohra.
Telephone: 020 8909 5871 - Miss Sally Tennant and Christine Douglas - secretary email: rnoh.
tennantsecretary - Mr Aresh Hashemi-Nejad and Mr Neil Segaren - secretary email: rnoh.
nejad-segarensecretary - Dr Chirag Gorasia (psychologist) - secretary email: zohra.
Telephone: 020 8909 5871 - Dr Rebecca McLaren (psychiatrist) - secretary email: zohra.
Telephone: 020 8909 5871
Clinical Director, Dr Caroline Oren, Dr Sherine Dewlett, Dr Jane Hoddes, Dr Saduf Chaudhry - secretary email: stephaniebatten
Telephone: 020 3947 0475
Dr Benjamin Jacobs, Dr Wolfgang Muller, Amy Culham (Clinical Nurse Specialist) and Dr Alexander Chesover - secretary email; zohra.
Telephone: 020 8909 5871
Pill swallowing a guide for carers
For further information regarding pill swallowing visit KidzMed website
Information Guides for Children and Young People
A parent/carer pager system guide when your child is in recovery
A Patient's Guide To Pain Management For Your Child After Surgery
A Young Person’s Guide To Eating And Drinking Following Spinal And Other Surgery
The Children’s High Dependency Unit (CHDU) Information for families/carers
A Patient’s Guide To Paediatric Acute Pain Services
A patient's guide to the Children's Clinical Psychology Service
A Patient’s Guide to Blood Transfusions and Human Tissue Transplant
A Young Person's Guide to Scoliosis
A Patient’s Guide to Post-Operative Spinal Braces (TLSOs)
A Patient's Guide to Looking After Your Child in a Hip Spica or Broomstick Cast
Video - Frame Academy. An animation aimed at 5-11-year-olds who will be having treatment with an external fixator.