Chronic Pain Management
The RNOH provides comprehensive care for patients with chronic pain (CP) resulting from a wide range of musculoskeletal and neurological problems.
Pain management services are provided by experienced specialists ensuring that patients benefit from an interdisciplinary approach. This approach is fostered by multidisciplinary ward rounds, clinics and meetings as well as combined clinics between specialties within the RNOH.
A yearly annual report is published for the public to view on how patients are improving their lives with our service (Chronic Pain Centre report 2016/2017).
A Patient's Guide to Genicular nerve (knee) Diagnostic Intervention and Denervation Intervention
A Patient's Guide to Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation (TENS)
A Patient's Guide Following their Chronic Pain Intervention
A Patient's Guide to the Pain Self Management Programme
Frequently asked questions Spinal Cord Stimulators
RNOH Pain Management & Rehabilitation Inpatient Programme - VIDEO
Spinal Cord Stimulation (SCS) treatment at the RNOH - VIDEO
Spinal Cord Stimulation at the RNOH: Grahame’s story - VIDEO
Chronic Pain
Dr Dan Mihaylov - Pain arising from the spine (e.g. back pain, neck pain). Pain associated with spinal surgery. Neuropathic pain due to nerve injury. Pain arising from...
Dr Ramy Mottaleb
Dr Roxaneh Zarnegar - Regional anaesthesia, Neuropathic pain, Rehabilitation for chronic pain related disability, Paediatric chronic pain and transition to adult care.
Please contact the unit on 020 8909 5669 or email rno-tr.
Mrs Julia Sach, Chronic Pain Clinical Nurse Specialist 020 8909 5669 (Lead)
Mrs Andreea Costras, Associate Clinical Nurse Specialist (Chronic Pain & Neuromodulation) Tel: 020 8909 5669
Mrs Nisha Patel, Associate Clinical Nurse Specialist (Chronic Pain & Neuromodulation) Tel: 020 8909 5669
Mrs Michelle Carson, Chronic Pain & Neuromodulation Clinical Nurse Specialist 020 8909 5669
RNOH Chronic Pain service referral acceptance criteria
RNOH Chronic Pain spinal cord stimulation referral acceptance criteria
From Thursday 4th August 2022, the RNOH Chronic Pain service committed to using ‘PATHPOINT’, an electronic referral and pathway management system, for all Consultant-led referrals from secondary and tertiary care organisations.
General Practitioners should continue to refer to RNOH using the UK Electronic Referral System (ERS)- please see below.
PATHPOINT offers significant benefits to referrers:
- Secure, streamlined, electronic referral forms
- Receive updates and notifications in real time
- Increased visibility of all referrals and triage outcomes
To submit a referral to the Chronic Pain service please access the 'PATHPOINT' link (within your Secure hospital network) and follow the steps below:
- Register with your personal NHS email address for a PATHPOINT account to manage your referral/s
- Login to your account with your credentials by clicking the 'PATHPOINT' link
- Input your referring organisation, and patient PID details
- Click the drop down list of referral pathway forms and select "Chronic Pain" and click "Go to referral form" to launch the form
- Fill in all fields of the Chronic Pain service referral form and click "Save Chronic Pain"
NB: You will receive notification emails to your NHS email account from PATHPOINT from the Chronic Pain service with updates about the status of your referral if further information is required.
To give your feedback, or for any further questions, please email the relevant contact below:
PATHPOINT Technical Support: support
Feedback to RNOH Project Team: rnoh.
For further information on the PATHPOINT system, please click here
Referrals are accepted from GPs and consultants. If you are a GP referring to the RNOH please use the NHS e-Referral Service system, e-RS.