The LSCIC Outreach Team is responsible for providing specialist spinal cord injury education and support to patients and relatives, and staff treating newly injured patients.
Therapeutic Management of Children and Young Persons with a Spinal Cord Injury
Tuesday 13 May, 8.15am to 5pm and Wednesday 14 May 2025, 8.15am to 5pm
Please note this is a two day course covering;
- SCI pathology, diagnosis and prognosis
- Nursing in SCI
- Respiratory Case Study
- Posture and Seating Management
- Theory & application of electrical stimulation
- Upper limb management including splinting
- Gait assessment and training
There will be practical workshops and lectures
£300.00 (with lunch included)
If you are interested please email
Please note that payment for this course must be made by debit/credit card prior to the course date. We will be unable to send out invoices to your Trust for payment. Allocation will be made on a first come first paid basis. Please contact Karen Rawlins via email at for an application form.
LSCIC Outreach Study Day – An Introduction to Spinal Cord Injury - 5 November
Please find below links to pdfs of each of the talks on the day which can be downloaded with the password provided to attendees:
- An Introduction to SCI
- Cardiorespiratory Management in Acute SCI
- Acute Nursing Management in SCI
- Mental Health & SCI
- Therapy in Spinal Cord Injury
- Speech & Language Therapy in SCI
- Dietetics and Nutrition SCI study day
- Case Manager Presentation
- SCI Link Workers
LSCIC Outreach Study Day flyer - An introduction to SCI 5 November
LSCIC Outreach Study Day 4 June
Please provide some feedback for our study day (link below). This will ensure we are providing a beneficial day for everyone.
RNOH SCI Outreach Study Day feedback form 4 June 2024
Presentations from the study day:
- 09:10 An Introduction to SCI
- 10:30 Cardiorespiratory Management in Acute SCI
- 11:30 Mental Health & SCI
- 13:30 Acute Nursing Management in SCI RC
- 14:15 Therapy in Spinal Cord Injury
- 15:30 Speech & Language Therapy in SCI 2024
- 16:00 Dietetics and Nutrition SCI study day
- 16:30 Case Manager Presentation June 2024
- 16:45 SCI Link Workers
- SIA Support Network presentation
Please click here for information about the LSCIC Outreach Study Day 4th June 2024
Therapeutic Management of Children and Young Persons with SCI (3-4 October 2023)
Posture and Seating Management
SCI Pathologies
Upper Limb Management
Gait Rehabilitation
Age Appropriate Functional Outcomes
Theory of FES
Practical Workshops and Lectures in Spinal Cord Injury Rehabilitation: 14 - 15 June 2023 (2 days)
Practical Workshops and Lectures in Spinal Cord Injury Rehabilitation 14-15 June 2023 – 2 days
Timetable for 14 and 15 June 2023
Wednesday 14 June presentations:
SCI Pathology Diagnosis and Prognosis 2023 handouts
10:15 SCI Complications
10:45 Nursing Management in SCI
11:45 - ISNCSCI (ASIA)
13:45 - Levels of injury
Click here or scan QR code to give us your feedback from todays study day
Thursday 15 June presentations:
08:45 - Posture and Seating Management
09:45 - Upper Limb Management
11:00 - Respiratory Interventions
11:30 - Therapeutic Management of Spasticity
Click here or scan QR code to give us your feedback
LSCIC at The Royal London Hospital: Spinal Cord Injury Study Day (23 May 2023)
Spinal Cord Injury Outreach Team Study Day timetable
Slides from Study Day
- Acute Spinal Cord Injury Introduction Neurological Assessment
- Cardiorespiratory Management and Ventilator Free Breathing weaning in Spinal Cord Injury
- Acute Nursing Management in Spinal Cord Injury
- Jumping the Mental Illness Barrier
- Occupational Therapy and Physiotherapy in Spinal Cord Injury
- Speech and Language Therapy in Spinal Cord Injury
- Introduction to Case Management
- Introduction to New Roles
LSCIC at St Georges: Neurogenic Nursing Study Day – 31 January 2023
Spinal Cord Injury Neurogenic Nursing Study Day timetable
Pre-reading documents:
The Mystery of Autonomic Dysreflexia poster
Sitting Pressure Relief Technique
Spinal Cord Injury Glossary
ISNCSCI (ASIA) Chart: ASIA-ISCOS-IntlWorksheet_2019.pdf (
MASCIP Neurogenic Bowel Guidelines
ISNCSCI (ASIA) Charting (Introduction).
The Neuropathic Bladder Following Spinal Cord Injury
Neurogenic Bowel Function
Neurogenic Skin Care Presentation
CYP SCI Study Day - 12 January 2023
Acute Spinal Cord Injury Introduction Neurological Assessment
A Paediatricians Perspective
Back to School
Back up
Children, Young People and Families impact of and coping with Spinal Cord Injury
Hospital Education at RNOH
Nursing Management in SCI Children and Young People
Nutrition Considerations for Paediatrics and Young people with a SCI
Role of the Case Manager
Therapeutic Management of Children and Young Persons with a SCI
CYP Study Day timetable
If you wish to refer to this service please go to the National Spinal Cord Injury Database.
For enquiries regarding existing referrals please call 020 8909 5121 (Monday-Friday 0900-1700)
Outreach and Community Liaison Team Lead - Sophie Nawarski sophienawarski
Outreach Rehabilitation Consultant – Dr Jan Gawronski
Pan London Outreach Psychiatric Outreach Consultant – Dr Parashar Ramanuj
Consultant Anaesthetist - Dr Matt Henley
Outreach Physiotherapist – Caley Toomey caley.
Outreach and Community Liaison CNS - Natasha Wallace
Outreach and Community Liaison CNS - Rosa Castro rosa.
Outreach and Community Liaison CNS - Nancy O’Connor nancy.
Outreach and Community Liaison CNS - Louise Halpenny louise.
CYP Spinal Clinical Nurse Specialist - Lisa Swann-Hayden lisa.
CYP Spinal Clinical Nurse Specialist - Laura Graham laura.
Outreach Case Manager - Nicki Ferguson nicki.ferguson@
Community Case Manager - Martin Chainani m.
Outreach Administrator and Community Liaison CNS - Cathy Godfrey catherine.
Outreach and Community Liaison CNS Administrator - Anne Boutle anne.
Outreach Team inbox: rno-tr.
CYP Team Inbox: rnoh.
Patient information guide
Information for patients and relatives Spinal Outreach Service
- SIA/MASCIP bowel guidelines 2012
- SIA/Huntleigh Manual Handling Operations moving and handling guidelines
- RCN catheter care
- Ventilator Free Breathing Guidelines
- LSCIC Patient Education Pack 2023
- SW London and Surrey Pathway for children with SCI July 2014
- Advice Centres for children with SCI
- NICE Guideline - Spinal Injury: assessment and initial management
- Advice for Acute Centres on Acute SCI in Adults
- FAQ for patients under care at SCIC