You will need to complete the online referral form and return it via the referral submit button. In addition, you will need to forward all relevant images via IEP.

Between the hours of 9.00am and 4.00pm our MSCC co-ordinator will receive your referral and will process it to ensure all relevant information/imaging is included. The coordinator will then contact you to advise of the likely timescale for discussion with the on-call spinal surgeon.

Outside of these hours the automated response from the RNOH will provide a contact number and further instructions.

NB Please note that telephone conversations and opinions provided following referral, will be recorded and transcribed as part of the patient record.

RNOH Switchboard
020 3947 0100

MSCC Coordinator
0208 909 5481

Scanning Department
020 8909 5801


For emergency and urgent referrals you must call the Spinal Surgical department directly on 0203 947 0100 as well as submitting the Pathpoint referral form through this 'PATHPOINT' link.

From November 2022, the RNOH Spinal Surgical service committed to using ‘PATHPOINT’, an electronic referral and pathway management system, for all Consultant-led referrals from secondary and tertiary care organisations.

General Practitioners should continue to refer to RNOH using the UK Electronic Referral System (ERS)- please see below.

PATHPOINT offers significant benefits to referrers:

·  Secure, streamlined, electronic referral forms

·  Receive updates and notifications in real time

·  Increased visibility of all referrals and triage outcomes

There are two spinal referral forms to choose from, the ‘emergency spinal referral form’ should be used for emergency non-oncological. The trauma and infection ‘spinal oncology form’ must be completed for patients with MSCC and spinal tumour.

To submit a referral to the Surgical Spinal unit please access the 'PATHPOINT' link (within your Secure hospital network) and follow the steps below:

1.    Register with your personal NHS email address for a PATHPOINT account to manage your referral/s

2.    Login to your account with your credentials by clicking the 'PATHPOINT' link

3.    Input your referring organisation, and patient PID details

4.    Click the drop down list of referral pathway forms and select the correct referral (please see above):

Tertiary emergency spine referral” or “Tertiary spine oncology referral

Then click "Go to referral form" to launch the form

5.    Fill in all fields of the correct referral form Tertiary emergency spine referral form or the Tertiary spine oncology referral form and click "Save Tertiary referral" to submit

NB: You will receive notification emails to your NHS email account from PATHPOINT from the Spinal Surgical unit with updates about the status of your referral if further information is required.

To give your feedback, or for any further questions, please email the relevant contact below:

PATHPOINT Technical Support:

For further information on the PATHPOINT system, please click here

Referrals are accepted from GPs and consultants. If you are a GP referring to the RNOH please use the NHS e-Referral Service system, e-RS.

This process is NOT for private patients.

Treatment options will include

  • Oncology (locally) without surgical intervention
  • Bracing (locally if available)
  • Surgical intervention – either at RNOH or referring hospital

Surgical options will include kyphoplasty, vertebroplasty or other operative intervention as per the clinical opinion provided by the RNOH spinal surgeon.

If the patient is accepted for further management at RNOH, the MSCC coordinator will liaise with the RNOH and local bed management teams and arrangements made for transfer.

The MSCC co-ordinator will be responsible for working through the logistics of the admission with the bed management and clinical teams.

The MSCC co-ordinator will liaise with the surgeon and the scheduler to plan the admission and surgery.

The referring Trust is responsible for making transport arrangements for the transfer of the patient as requested/directed by the RNOH team. If the patient is considered to have an unstable spine this information must be provided to the transport provider so that appropriate actions can be taken.

The RNOH team will be responsible for arranging transport for repatriation of the patient following surgery.

Issues concerning the repatriation of patients from RNOH will be escalated to the Medical Director and further action taken as appropriate.

Patients will be accepted by the Trust on a "fix & send" basis. In most cases, patients will be fit for repatriation to the referring trust approximately 48 hours post-operatively.

The MSCC co-ordinator will liaise with the bed management teams at RNOH and the referring trust, providing and updating the anticipated repatriation plan throughout the admission at RNOH.

Any post-operative complication which arises following discharge from RNOH must be notified to the MSCC coordinator. These will include 28-day post-operative infection, 30-day mortality and complication rate.

Follow up appointments for patients treated at RNOH will be arranged as directed by the RNOH consultant and provided to the patient prior to repatriation.

Issues concerning the repatriation of patients from RNOH will be escalated to the Medical Director and further action taken as appropriate.

Download the MSCC Patient Pathway